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let's be positive

People who want to do this (184)
2020-10-10 08:28:27
2020-10-10 07:55:32
2020-10-10 05:04:34
2020-10-01 22:29:05
2020-09-20 19:42:08
2020-09-19 18:03:38
2020-09-19 15:28:28
2020-09-13 18:55:52
2020-09-11 06:17:06
2020-09-11 04:06:06
2020-09-03 17:58:22

just because you're depressed doesn't mean others can't be depressed, stfu lmao
2020-09-03 13:56:22
2020-09-03 12:44:09
2020-09-03 12:15:12
2020-08-30 02:33:19
2020-08-26 14:17:08
2020-08-26 14:05:15
2020-08-26 13:53:33
2020-08-26 12:06:25
2020-08-25 21:13:38