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let's be positive

People who want to do this (184)
2024-03-25 13:27:23
2024-03-18 19:14:19
2024-02-24 10:14:54
2023-06-26 15:59:52

Demon wants to hug seems to be coming to its finish. I ve been reading it for 2 years, i m so greatful for such a masterpiece
2022-12-28 00:01:06

fuck positivity u all getting negativity
2022-11-17 17:13:09

I wanna be positive but I suck balls at being positive.
2022-05-02 17:54:19

help. theres a mice in my room, i sleep on the floor, i cant cause a ruckus its 2 am. i cant kill it too since its so small i cant find it.
2022-01-21 06:37:57

in covid? you want to? then let's go-
2021-12-13 19:42:56

my school got threatened and no one showed up. i wouldn’t have either but i wasn’t even aware
2021-07-28 15:21:24

Life is a shit! What's there to be positive about?
2021-07-22 17:33:27
2021-07-20 18:29:37

Not in covid tho-
2021-07-20 18:04:02

2021-07-20 17:54:54

2021-07-19 18:56:16
2021-07-19 18:07:49
2021-07-13 00:23:20
2021-07-12 18:42:46
2021-07-11 22:56:17
2021-07-09 03:07:51