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People who did this (448)
2021-03-06 19:34:46
2021-03-06 19:06:46

yes. every single day.
2021-03-06 19:02:02

i procrastinate my homework EVERYDAY... it's horrible
2021-03-06 18:50:23

always doing
2021-03-06 18:45:44

The only skill I excel at
2021-03-06 18:29:16

bro that is part of my blood circulation
2021-03-06 17:38:21

I'm here insted of my assignment which I schould do today...
2021-03-06 17:14:27

lmao my grades depends on that one project that ive been putting off for weeks and still not doing it
2021-03-06 17:10:20
2021-03-06 16:49:57

I am right now :)
2021-03-06 16:34:08

all the time
2021-03-06 16:03:43
2021-03-06 15:50:30

I'm doing it rn
2021-03-06 15:36:46

I really can't remember the last time I didn't procastinate
2021-03-01 06:18:44
2021-02-24 14:04:44

My life summed up :D
2021-02-13 07:42:27
2021-02-09 08:02:43
2021-02-05 17:28:05

I'll tell you later
2021-02-05 16:31:18

i always do it smh I'M DOING IT RIGHT NOW