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coming out

People who want to do this (34)
2020-10-21 08:45:58
2020-10-10 01:32:34

my parents are gonna be even more dissapointed in me when i come out-
2020-08-10 02:36:14

i want to come out to my friends as lesbian they already now i like girls but at the time i told them i was bi
2020-08-07 09:04:36
2020-08-03 02:37:25
2020-07-30 19:10:46
2020-06-29 06:54:55
2020-04-15 17:03:32

I've actually been wanting to do this for a while- My sister and my brother are the only ones who know. Any tips one how to come out? qwq
2020-04-15 03:22:47
2020-04-15 00:31:54

Uh so i'm bisexual, I like this girl in my class- Once I'm in my 2nd year of HS I plan to come out :)
2020-01-07 12:14:53
2019-01-17 18:11:47
2019-01-17 04:43:34

I'm Bi and actually pretty open about it, so I just have to "officialize my queer". But mommy and daddy are quite the narrow minded peeps;-;
2019-01-16 23:56:31

My mom, brother and father think that I am lesbian. But I am pansexual and I don't know how they aare going to react.