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explain your username

People who did this (175)
2021-05-18 07:20:51

just a portion of my first name spelled backwards and added a bunch of letter x's
2021-05-18 06:21:23

I didn’t know what to use so my username is, idkwts, short for I don’t know what to say (it’s a song by omri, mainly got it from that)
2021-05-18 06:15:43

basically i thought kim lena would be a kpop idol name lolol
2021-05-18 06:14:54

Im gay, queasy, and mentally ill what else can i say
2021-05-18 05:26:08

I'm just a silent reader so that's my inspiration for my username
2021-05-18 05:21:25

Thakam is part of nakakatakam in PH so i used the takam word so i add "h" between "t" and "a" that why it became thakam mean appetizing.
2021-05-18 05:21:06

....... its just my name........
2021-05-18 04:54:12

It describes me
2021-05-18 04:09:23

It's part of my surname HAHHAHAH I didn't think about it much I just added more A's because somebody took wawaa already
2021-05-18 04:06:26

look at my pfp and tell me that man isnt worldwide handsome.... YOU CANT
2021-05-18 04:02:17

Korone chan good doogo big lmao chad kusa
2021-05-18 03:24:09

pretty self-explanatory id say, im a tsukki (tsukishima kei) simp ('ω')
2021-05-18 03:21:01

I was just really bad at picking names, and cold.
2021-05-18 03:17:01

Asami's last name (Asami Ryūichi) and Akihito (Takaba Akihito) Mix them up together you get AkiRyuichi or Akiryūichi
2021-05-18 03:08:56

i had a lot of missing homework when i was thinking of changing my username so yeah i guess
2021-05-18 02:21:24

“Blue to green” is a line from an episode of HLVRAI. I think Tommy says it. It makes sense with context lol.
2021-05-18 01:09:48

tbh i just put two words i was thinking together in order of length
2021-05-18 00:54:29

sigmas name + the sound a cat do
2021-05-18 00:46:46

Yayoi bc in JR they say it means march and I was born in march too so yeah 11 bc why not
2021-05-18 00:27:24