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being gay

People who did this (220)
2024-06-16 18:16:32
2024-02-26 08:19:17
2024-02-01 20:36:49
2024-01-01 18:07:37
2024-01-01 00:47:15
2023-12-31 23:33:25

i can't believe straight people are real
2023-10-29 16:50:43
2023-08-02 20:37:32

sucked dick on accident
2023-08-02 18:06:28

I'm bi but I like to say I'm gay
2023-08-02 17:29:14

2023-08-02 16:30:37

Very much
2023-08-02 15:12:06

almost got together with a woman then like she lost interest so... welp me :P
2023-08-02 14:40:58
2023-08-02 08:28:56
2023-08-02 08:12:21
2023-08-02 05:41:23

I have gf. I am also a women. I am gay.
2023-08-02 05:37:51
2023-08-02 01:29:34

I dated a woman for a few months (I’m a woman as well) it was actually my best relationship.
2023-08-01 23:23:38

Well I am pretty gay lmao
2023-06-30 03:34:28