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what do you want in life

People who did this (37)
2021-02-22 20:34:10

Just be happy
2021-01-27 15:11:53

Money, and i just want my parents to live forever.
2021-01-27 13:49:30

i want u
2021-01-27 09:16:05

a butt plug, thank u.
2021-01-27 06:57:43

I got 35 the first try, then got 32 the second. It says I'm SOPHISTICATED, IM NOT!!
2021-01-27 06:03:03
2021-01-25 19:30:49
2021-01-25 13:06:44
2021-01-25 09:28:24

...I just want money cuz it seems like I cannot fuckn die soon so-
2021-01-24 22:30:13

Plants and cats my only true desires
2021-01-24 17:02:10

Eternal sleep
2021-01-24 11:50:59

I need a life first to think abt it
2021-01-24 01:54:28

I want to live without any worries like money, jobs or any of that shit Racism included along with homophobia, transphobia and many more
2020-12-14 01:03:14
2020-12-13 16:37:04

a life
2020-12-12 21:33:58

currently want a herd of fluffy alpacas
2020-12-12 18:25:39

Hmm I want to have some money and ran away From home coz I hate my unfair parents