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curious about names

People who did this (8)
2024-03-19 12:55:29
2024-01-24 22:41:01

bitch what Are you curious about. You Have a Name? I Have a Name? We all have names. It's so beautiful.
2021-11-05 14:50:16

I chose 'therese' as my username bcs it has translation in my native language which is 'theresa' and i feel like it's so cool (which is not)
2021-11-02 14:08:24

Ben Dover.
2021-02-17 00:40:14

hahaha no one will ever know mine
2021-02-16 23:21:08

2020-10-26 03:47:50
2020-08-20 05:36:04

I love to think about names for my future kids, and finding interesting names with beautiful meanings is a nice pass time when I'm bored.