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confess to your crush

People who did this (1471)
2016-10-29 03:26:23
2016-10-29 03:24:32

Once. It was during class. I was teased about it all day by my friends. (-/////-)
2016-10-28 09:09:21
2016-10-28 05:32:47
2016-10-13 01:21:24
2016-09-27 19:19:50

and get rejected but he often messages me and we chat and if our chat doesnt last long he acts sad. i dont understand him anymore...
2016-09-26 18:40:08

I confessed to my crush and we have been together for almost three years. We are getting married the end of this year.
2016-09-26 00:31:04

im dating them lol
2016-09-25 19:59:44
2016-09-25 13:46:30

I have a crush to a guy for almost 3 years, and in the last year of studies, i confess to him. dating with him for almost a year already.
2016-09-19 00:57:43
2016-09-18 02:38:28
2016-09-17 22:16:41
2016-09-17 20:38:24
2016-09-17 18:30:41

I confessed to my crush of 2 years when I was in high school. It didn't go really well, and it helped me get over him.
2016-09-17 16:46:42

Around 1st year of high school I confess to fella that I feel interested, but I get rejected. LOL
2016-09-17 15:19:26

She thought I was joking and now she's dating some guy I don't know...
2016-09-15 07:44:20

i did, in the 2nd year of secondary school and IT WAS HORRIBLE! the douchebag i liked went and told his friends, which was embarrassing :/
2016-08-20 01:07:55
2016-08-06 04:35:13