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confess to your crush

People who did this (1469)
2021-07-22 10:29:29

I did we WERE bestfriends. Now not anymore. Totally my fault though. I was the one who told him we should stay friends but I'm insecure asf.
2021-07-22 09:46:25

she rejected me and went to go date my brother and then they broke up and now she said I think I'm bi WTF?
2021-07-22 07:53:36

Yeah I confess everytime I like somebody, first two times it worked out for me but the last time it didn’t, it wasn’t awkward between us tho
2021-07-22 07:49:42

never again
2021-07-22 05:05:12

didnt end very well and i still think i should not have told her because it only made things awkward and I moved away like 3 months later
2021-07-22 04:12:44
2021-07-22 03:51:21

i confess to every person i had a crush with :D
2021-07-21 23:43:16

i just told him that i like him then boom, we're 4 years together now.
2021-07-21 23:01:51

Well,he liked me too but after some time i realized that he just wanted to f*ck me because i was virgin .
2021-07-21 22:29:34

She rejected me tho
2021-07-21 20:31:12
2021-07-16 01:49:30

I did confess and it hurt, we're still friends
2021-07-16 00:11:48
2021-07-16 00:05:59

The last time I confessed was when I was on 2nd grade, pretty long long time ago lol. Anyways I don’t have a crush or whatsoever now.
2021-07-15 23:57:49
2021-07-15 23:43:13

when i was drunk, i don’t remember it exactly though, a friend told me about it and im glad the person i told was drunk too
2021-07-15 20:34:15
2021-07-15 20:16:52

I liked, confessed, and courted my crush. He liked, confessed and courted me back... We never got together btw BAHAHHAHA LMAO
2021-07-15 18:09:00

2021-07-08 20:37:07