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confess to your crush

People who want to do this (1102)
2021-06-12 09:43:22
2021-06-12 08:31:56
2021-06-12 07:59:07

nope never
2021-06-12 05:58:56

Never will
2021-06-12 04:11:43
2021-06-12 01:49:05

neither did nor want to do, ill just admire from afar (it helps that i am not keen on being in a relationship) & take it all to the grave.
2021-05-31 17:50:40

But how?
2021-05-31 16:52:15
2021-05-29 05:21:18

I refuse to believe they didn’t do witchcraft on me. It’s been like 9 years and I’m over here still simping
2021-05-20 05:26:33

I'm a girl and she's girl.... What if our friendship will be broken if I confess to her..
2021-05-17 13:01:27
2021-05-17 12:53:18

all my crushes look me in my eyes so deep and i end thinking they like me too the end no confession
2021-05-08 02:45:11
2021-05-08 02:41:36
2021-05-06 19:13:30
2021-05-06 17:10:45

I'm the one who always gets confessed with, idk why do they have such a strange taste in picking a partner LMAO
2021-05-05 13:43:35

tbh i dont really have any crush/es, im not really surprise if u ask me lol
2021-05-05 12:28:44

2021-05-05 10:51:07

Honestly, I'd love to but the fact that they don't even exist in the real world is heartbreaking
2021-05-05 10:20:01

In all my life, I've never confessed. In fact, my friends were the one who revealed it. Plus my crush/es were le ones to confess.