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liked someone i shouldn't like

People who did this (224)
2023-07-19 03:59:18
2023-07-17 00:46:25

I think making them aware of my past feelings might have messed up our fantastic friendship and I’m scared I can’t go back.
2023-06-30 03:34:53
2023-03-23 03:14:15
2023-03-08 19:06:30

i had a crush on him for 8 years
2022-06-22 10:43:21

"do you like her?" Tf with that question, that bish been backstabbing me for years and thats the question you ask me? I just want to be quie
2022-02-20 06:21:54

Mfing 2D characters bitch
2022-02-18 13:41:50

My father's friend. Like come on he is hot okay AJAiuskjasjj I am over it now as he got married last summer.
2021-10-23 08:47:04
2021-07-24 04:32:02

yea sadly ToT
2021-06-15 18:40:42
2021-06-01 18:16:23
2021-05-29 05:14:45
2021-05-29 05:14:37
2021-05-29 01:30:38
2021-05-28 23:10:48
2021-05-28 23:05:33

I have this crush confessed to me so we tried to date each other but at the end I treat him like a sranger cause idk my love is gone
2021-05-28 23:05:20
2021-05-28 21:55:40
2021-05-28 21:54:54

well ...i start liking them but when they start getting feelings 4 me, I forget they even exist and i need to stop doing that