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share your bullying story

People who did this (39)
2021-03-08 15:21:14
2021-03-08 15:20:59

I like to bully my friend
2021-03-08 15:16:54

theres this racist white boy in my class, he kept talking shit about black and asian people, so i smacked the shit outta him. I WAS PROUD.
2021-03-08 13:01:10

Ya I did share...
2021-03-08 07:40:51
2021-01-28 11:00:17
2021-01-28 07:48:17

wellllll my story is so... sad yet inspiring
2020-11-25 15:39:18
2020-09-16 19:24:54

My best friends since since Pre-K bullied and cyber bullied me. If they didn't, I think I'd be happier now. But I'll beat em up
2020-09-16 18:29:38

I was bullied for being Asian, people calling me chingchong and pretending to speaking Chinese. They made fun of my food, eyes, + lifestyle
2020-09-16 17:47:53
2020-09-16 17:35:14
2020-09-16 17:12:42
2020-09-16 16:54:00

For my Asian eyes. Whenever I take pictures or just in general everybody always tells me to open my eyes more. Like excuse me? ;(
2020-09-16 16:53:04
2020-09-16 16:46:58

Idk dude i been bullied but it never hurt me bc idc. But if someone actually succeeds in bullying me ill either cry or hurt them.
2020-09-16 16:10:32

Got bullied “chingchong” bc of my eyes only to find out some mf be making the fox eye a beauty trend
2020-09-16 16:05:26

I was bullied for being fat :/ people always called me annoying even adults
2020-09-16 15:33:46

mangago is bullying me