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Answer page 22931 (458898)

In the beginning totaly embarrased today its being horny and drooling th whole time ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭   1 reply
10 04,2016
My fav is moegi yuu,natsume isaku and also minami haruka...their my verrrryyyy veeerrryyy best mangaka ever ehhehe...their manga has a good story line and also how the character is well made. (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧   2 reply
10 04,2016
I'll proudly choose Ogeretsu Tanaka-sensei as my #1 mangaka!   1 reply
10 04,2016
Hmm first anime has got to be either Chibi Maruko-chan or Kirby (I don't remember the full title), and first manga was either Doraemon or Kocchi Muite! Miiko Anime and manga both are a part of my childhood but I never really knew it was called that way until I was like in elementary school or something~ lol   reply
10 04,2016
I marathon yaoi manga :D My first yaoi experience was watching Sekaiichi Hatsukoi's anime but my first manga was "19 Days" and still reading it today ^^   1 reply
10 04,2016
I don't really remember my first anime (is that bad??) but I think it's Pokemon! The first manga I read from beginning to end was "Kaichou wa Maid-sama" because Usui was so sexy! He was like my first 2D love~   reply
10 04,2016
At first I was like Then I was like Then after ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭   10 reply
10 04,2016
Well my first must have been Sex Pistols i think. I had watched the ova and felt like I needed more because it just fucking ended no closure no nothing so of course i had to look it up and read it. But then again i was reading maybe 5 different yaois at a time but i believe this was the first i searched for.   reply
10 04,2016
Yuuup and I mean I read a lot of yaoi. I'm clearly obsessed. My fist yaoi I think it was Ten Count or Love Stage, I don't really remember .... ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭   reply
10 04,2016
Oh boy do I read yaoi... Haha. Yeah, that's all I read now! I think my first yaoi was Mimi Paradise? But I am not absolutely sure... My first yaoi anime was junjo romantically (that how you spell it? Meh)   reply
10 04,2016
Love yaoi yep. My firsts were Legend of the Blue Wolves and Ai no kusabi (●'◡'●)ノ Then...Sensitiv Pornograph x) Love hard yaoi too.   reply
10 04,2016
I was so excited and I searched in the web all details of this subject. I became addicted to Hard Yaoi but I also love shounen-ai etc. I love watch sex between guys since I was little (It's weird ahah)...Well, now It isn't just watch ! I'm a girl but I know what I mean :p   1 reply
10 04,2016
It was like OMG look away, look back fan myself look back and found my guilty little pleasure   reply
10 04,2016
I felt guilty as if I was committing a sin, I thought what if someone walks into the room and sees me while reading it. and scared that it could affect my personality in a bad way. I learned in time that not to give a damn about this fears ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ I love reading romance and I think the emotions in yaoi is far deeper than shoujo's.   9 reply
10 04,2016
My first anime was Isshuukan Friends. my friends was always talking about animes and I got curious then told them if they know any romance anime I could watch it. Znea recommended me Isshuukan Friends but it doesn't even contains romance at all, she just doesn't know anything about romance xd and My first manga was Shinigami Hime No Saikon, I saw i......   2 reply
10 04,2016
Firstly I was confused it wa unusual Anime thing to see but it picked my interest, It was like I've found something that I was looking for in my boring days, and after my first actual read of a complete yaoi manga I just went digging in to this genre like there's noooo tomorrow   2 reply
10 04,2016
That is areally tough question as i categorise my favourite mangaka according to the type of manga but if i have to choose only one for now the one that just keep poping up in my head when i saw this question is sayko aya i love her art ans stories so much   reply
09 04,2016
My first anime was skip beat after finishing it i looked for the manga and one thing led to another i have been watching anime and reading manga non stop for almost 10 years the reason that de me so engrossed in this addiction is because i fell in love with ren at first sight and he is still one of my top favourie characters   2 reply
09 04,2016
Hmmmmm......It's hard to decide.....but I think that this is "Kuroneko Kareshi No Itoshikata" (And other 3 parts of it) I just love the story, art, tags and the pairing + the sexy part ! Ahh....hellow devil, long time no see...   reply
09 04,2016
MY MOST FAV *OTP* IN ANIME WORLD ARE: (MY ultimate TOP 10 ) (▰˘◡˘▰) "NARUSASU" , "ZOSAN" , "GINHIJI" , "AOKISE" , "SOURIN" , "HARURIN" , "KUROOKEN", "OIIWA" , "NEZUSHI" , "SHIZAYA" ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶   4 reply
09 04,2016

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