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Answer page 22909 (458610)

When I saw that prison-rape scene on Enzai, I lost my mind. I was so scared, I wanted to forget that "yaoi" existed at any cost ahahahhaha. But some weeks later, some smut doujins appeared before me and, well... here I am, looking for the most fucked up stories on the mangas without any shame. Oh boy! That was just fate, how could I ever escape! ......   reply
17 04,2016
At this moment of my life, I have ships enough to start a company. I don't know if I can even choose! The ship for this month is RayffloxChris from Vassalord, thou. They have my heart and my soul and all of me, I cantttt ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ   reply
17 04,2016
I don't even remember that kiss ahahaha. When I was 4, my friends from school and me started playing "dates". So, we paired with the boy or girl we liked the most (like the most=today you're my bff, who knows who will be tomorrow) and entered the room's closet. There we had to "kiss" and after that exit the closet. And like that, I gave my first ki......   reply
17 04,2016
When i first came across yaoi, it was love stage the anime, not very explicit, not even in the manga but being the first sex scene i've come across, i was embarrassed and scrolled up to safety, then made sure noone in my house was around, then i slowly looked at all the scenes, scrolling back up once i was done, after i finished Love stage i start......   3 reply
17 04,2016
I didn't even know what anime was, nor I really liked watching TV cartoons! (who knows why, I was a weird child) But I really enjoyed the things that my older sisters recorded in some VHS tapes. They were old cartoons and movies, and suddenly I bumped into "Hana no Ko Runrun". Oh, what an obsession! That was my very very first anime, and I still lo......   reply
17 04,2016
I started with a yaoi anime (Enzai: at that moment I was so innocent and pure, all that shit scared me ahaha) and from there I ran into some One Piece doujins. I become the doujin master (?) Actually, I can't remember what was my first original yaoi manga... So many years have passed since I lost my innocence. But I do recall what was the first yao......   reply
17 04,2016
Dear myself was my first. I accidentally bought it thinking it was shoujo   reply
17 04,2016
I can't really say what my first yaoi was since I was reading about 3-4 at the same time. I was already into anime and manga and had harbored a habit of reading 2-5 mangas at one time so when I stumbled on yaoi I immediately had about 1-3 tabs ready. I'm pretty sure that love stage was one of them if not is was koisuru boukun. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭   reply
17 04,2016
actually at first i was really creeped out (and weirdly turned on?) and my reactions were "WHAT WHY IS HE LICKING HIS NIPPLE" "NO WHAT IS THIS" but now i'm just... used to it and i love it :^) the smuttier the better as someone already mentioned   4 reply
16 04,2016
hmm my first one...I don't really remember cause I watched anime ever since I was a baby. My aniki who 8 years older than me watches also anime and reads manga that's why i watch it from baby till now. I think it was Dragon ball Z or Naruto, Saint seiya or Yu Gi Ho I really don't know. And with the manga I also don't remember cause I was bored on t......   1 reply
16 04,2016
Doraemon and SAINT SEIYA lol. After that Candy Candy and Sailormoon.   reply
16 04,2016
My first kiss made me so happy yet so sad. It made my eyes open and discover that... Im such a loner cause my first kiss was Eren Jaeger's poster. true story bro (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ   6 reply
16 04,2016
Mine would probably be the Enzai visual novel. I bought it off of Ebay when I was 11 or 12 and played through it. I was a little shocked, but it didn't effect me too much. Then I started reading non-con fanfiction, more explicit yaoi, (I remember my mom finding a doujin I had one day and she literally told my dad it was rape porn. I was so embarras......   reply
15 04,2016
psyche delico write some dark and kinky and scary stuff too lol ido gihou has a lighter aura but quite disturbung and controversial themes asada nemui come close to paraiso's sickness but in wider themes i'd like some recommendations about some sicks author with nice art if you have lol   1 reply
15 04,2016
The first one was Yajirushi by Harada. I thought it was soo messed up because like after all the fluffy cute yaoi i ve read.. it was an amazing change though. I liked it so much that i instantly looked up Harada's other works. Now Harada is my favorite bl author   2 reply
15 04,2016
My first "kinky and twisted" Manga was actually a doujinshi - one that I read without thinking, because even to this day, I don't even know the fandom. Well, you could say I probably read a lot of kinky and twisted stuff - but I normally wouldn't even notice. I don't know, but it's always others that tell me something like that - maybe it's because......   reply
15 04,2016
My first anime was Jigoku sensei nube, followed by Sailor Moon, Kochikame, One Piece, Detective Conan and Ojamajo doremi. It was aired on tv when i was 7. And My first manga was JunRoma (yaoi~>3   reply
15 04,2016
For me, there is no such thing as "favorite" ship. I ship all the ships, even the ships that are unshippable or those that cost for shipping and handling. Lol, to be honest, there's so many ships, I'd sink to the bottom of the sea before I'm able to name them all. They're all mostly yaoi ships though, so I don't mind too much about drowning.   8 reply
15 04,2016
There's no such thing as a first kiss; your parents already took it. ;) Lol, in all honesty, my first genuine kiss on the lips was with my little nephew, who kissed me goodbye. It was cute and caught me by surprise. Course he kinda slobbered a bit, but still...xD But the first kiss I've ever initiated was back in fourth grade, where my first "boy......   4 reply
15 04,2016
Not exactly an anime series (animated film), but Spirited Away was an all-time favorite movie of mine I watched as a kid. I could watch countless times and lose myself in its magic. That, and Grave of the Fireflies were one of the few first things that opened the door to the anime/manga world. I eventually became my cousin's anime and manga lackey,......   1 reply
15 04,2016

People are doing

did being in a wlw relationship

lmao im hated by all her friends

3 hours
did being in a wlw relationship

Bro, it's both traumatizing and fun.

The first was traumatizing bcs I was too young, second was fun but traumatizing at the end

6 hours
did being in a wlw relationship

im a boy now who likes boys

9 hours

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