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Answer page 22645 (458611)

Marriage? Honestly, I never wanna get married. Neither do I wanna have kids. Sometimes, I wonder this as well. Is something wrong with me? The society wants us to get married, like it's a mandatory step and there is no way out of it. I'm 23 now but in a couple of years I'm gonna be under pressure to get hitched. I probably will give in and my paren......   1 reply
06 12,2016
Since I was a little girl, I never wanted to get married. I didn't understand why the others girls were so into fairytale, prince charming and wedding. But one day, I fell (literally) on a boy when I was in high school. We never dated but we became friends. After highschool ends we parted and lost contact. One day, we met again and after spending ......   2 reply
06 12,2016
i legit want to get married tbh, but thinking about, "how will my child grow up?" "Will my husband loves me the same?" "What about our future?" Is hard, i mean, i want to marry someone who's the same loving-freakish-fun-weird human, and its a lobg way to go since im only 17 rn (in indonesia, its common to get married at 21 or older, its legal to ma......   reply
06 12,2016
This my biggest trouble , yeah 50% of me never want , and 50% other really want. I am such loser but yeah... I hope meet someone who will make me think 100% yes.   reply
06 12,2016
I won't. First of all, marriage means having kids. Don't misunderstand, I love kids but it's the process of having them that is an issue. Nine months of hell, contractions then giving birth. I'm a person whose pain tolerance is really all time low. I don't wanna experience that. Second, I'm an aromantic person, I'm not a person who can be......   reply
06 12,2016
I can't. I've been with the same person for 8 years; we share a business and property so even if there was no infamous wedding cake we're pretty much fucked already L O L   reply
06 12,2016
To be honest I don't really know if I will or not (I'm 20 but have never dated) so it would sort of have to be the right person and circumstance. I think my biggest thing about marriage is that I don't think that it is needed for people to be together in that sense so in some ways the money spent on it can be used for other things. That's just my o......   1 reply
06 12,2016
I totally agree that the pressure is there, though the way we as a society define marriage, relationships, gender is all becoming more flexible, so I think that pressure is fading and will continue to lessen over time. To some extent, "normal" is different depending on where you are as well (and what general age group you're around); you're much mo......   reply
06 12,2016
I might not have a say in this also, since I'm still young (16 very soon 17) the thought had came to my mind before. My family like any family want me or more like expect me get married soon, like when I get to college or during college. I've talk to my best friend about it, she seems like doesn't want to get married at the time (now she's in a com......   reply
06 12,2016
Hi! I just get married like, 5months ago, with the son of my parent's best friend whom i didn't even know until they told me that they want to arrange our marriage. Crazy, right? An arranged marriage on these era. I'm 27 this year, and romance has never been my interest ever. I've got a crush when I'm in the college, but after one date with him, I......   3 reply
06 12,2016
I've never wanted to tie my life to another person's, I've yet to see that work out well for anyone. I would love to have a ceremony with all the pomp. But when I wake up I want to find myself unattached and single after having the ceremony of my dreams. I wouldn't mind if the person was still in my life just not maritally. All of friends think it'......   reply
06 12,2016
I doubt it, I love my utter freedom. I also adore committed relationships. I'm also poly, and you can only marry one person. Anyway, my life's wonderful as it is. I believe whatever's best for you is best for everyone. Happy people bring up those around them, and have more energy and clarity to improve the world in any way they choose. Whatev......   2 reply
06 12,2016
Hmmmm depends... I am not someone who can be tied down easily. Where as I easily fall in love, I also fall out of love. If I ever find someone I can love for the rest of my life, then I would want to marry them. Not like my family would allow that (I'm gay, and just because my country is okay with me marrying a guy, doesn't mean my family is. Oh ......   3 reply
06 12,2016
i hope so. when i was younger, i used to not want to get married and have kids... but now, i would love to lol. i think my biological clock kicked in a couple of years ago, and now i reallyyyy want kids and a wonderful husband. i'm almost thirty and i'm worried that i'm going to miss the boat if things don't start happening soon - at least on the h......   1 reply
06 12,2016
Teradox 06 12,2016
It's fun and at the same time very lonely to be me, I'm 19 and i usually thought when you get a little older almost out of your teens, all that "depressed thinking" would slowly be gone, be gone in a way i would come over them and move forward, in terms of education, friends ect. I have, but i believe as a person the only difference is i have more ......   2 reply
06 12,2016
Queenbananya 06 12,2016
Frustrating. Unsatisfying. Life is OK, I have a good job and I'm not necessarily unhappy, I just feel like I can do better. I was happier when I was a student. I guess I'm in that weird early twenties post college stage where you haven't quite given up on your dreams, still believing there is something grand out there for you, but you've began acc......   reply
06 12,2016
20 female, Asian, currently paid for helping with my family's business (as I don't pursue further education). So when my friends are busy with their thesis, I'm just gonna sit around and read some yaoi manga.   reply
06 12,2016
I can't see myself tied to a man for the rest of my life. I lose love very easily so I probably will end up divorcing anyway. Better off single until I die.   2 reply
05 12,2016
05 12,2016
Killing my mother? Not sure that I have.... She does have many struggles and does a lot for me, which I AM grateful for, but why kill her? I've always had one wish in my life, and it to be immortal, because the longer you live, the more time you have to experience somewhat of happiness. ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶   reply
05 12,2016
05 12,2016
I live a normal life with minor daddy issues. I'm young, so I'm taken cared of my my parents, but strive to keep my position in advanced classes. It's tiring, and I don't get enough sleep, but I force myself to stay up. With constant homework, it's hard reading yaoi, but I always do, because it's something I enjoy so much, and will NEVER EVER let g......   2 reply
05 12,2016

People are doing

did being in a wlw relationship

lmao im hated by all her friends

3 hours
did being in a wlw relationship

Bro, it's both traumatizing and fun.

The first was traumatizing bcs I was too young, second was fun but traumatizing at the end

6 hours
did being in a wlw relationship

im a boy now who likes boys

9 hours

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