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Answer page 22644 (458182)

16 year old straight, white, American female with no life and only a couple close friends. You're "classic" fujoshi I'd say. I don't really have any friends that are girls (only one) because I find them hard to make friends with, so that might be why yaoi attracted me so much (even though guys can be JUST AS DRAMATIC IF NOT MORE) than women lol   reply
23 11,2016
I first watched yaoi when I was 10, I got really into it around 11. Yes i was a rebel child(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧   reply
23 11,2016
Oh man I have too many answers to this one lol. Most of the time on the school bus or in the school cafeteria. Im always super on edge when I read yaoi in public lol. But you know what sucks? MY OWN ROOM isn't all that safe either. I share a room with my freeloading older sister who hasn't moved out yet she always looks at me funny and tells me t......   reply
23 11,2016
In the living room with your whole family, because my seat is tilted away from everyone's vision! XD If someone had good enough eyesight I wonder if they would see mini-dicks reflected in my gaming glasses. Lmao! (≧∀≦)   reply
22 11,2016
35-yr.-old white female. I read whatever I like. Love is Love. People should be able to be of whichever sexuality they choose. I have no problem with it myself.   5 reply
22 11,2016
On the city buses....especially if you're reading the paperback versions instead of the electronic versions. Those covers can really draw in the stares from other riders. (⊙…⊙ )   reply
22 11,2016
literally anywhere - as long as i can hide my phone screen to a reasonable degree.   reply
22 11,2016
My first anime was the *Speed Racer* English dubbed episodes. They played on TV in 1984 or so, when I was 3 years old. I really enjoyed them. I am not sure what my first manga was. But, it was probably one that was released as single-chapter comic issues, because I was a comic dealer from '88 to '93.   reply
22 11,2016
like 12.......either gravitation or loveless was my first BL. then i got into BL fanfics. then discovered more beautiful yaoi online.   reply
22 11,2016
I have a crush on my computer; I spend so much time on it. What did you say? A life? What's that? I never had one before.   4 reply
22 11,2016
In the school corridoors during breaks. I remember being on edge like all the freaking time, especially since we had a principal who used to fucking sneak up on you while you were on your computer and ask what you were working on. Me? Studying? HAH! As if...   1 reply
22 11,2016
Naruto pr Love Hina, can't exactly remember which one came first but damnnn Love Hina was straight up porn for lil' 12 year old me. I remember my older brother seeing some "questionable" images in one of the books I had borrowed and he ran straight over to mom and was like "LOOK MOM MAYA IS READING PORN BOOKS" and my mom just kinda gave me this loo......   1 reply
22 11,2016
11 or 12 and I think my first BL was Gravitation (not really a yaoi). Started reading Koisuru Boukun and Junjou Romantica and that's how it just sorta began, I guess. Started out rather innocently and now I read all kinds of smut, yaoi, yuri and even hentai. Yeah, I'd consider myself being a fujoshi idgaf ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭   1 reply
22 11,2016
Got a few so here we go: - Tsukumo Yuma x Astral (Yu-gi-oh! Zexal) - Hinata Shouyo x Kageyama Tobio (Haikyuu!!) - Uzumaki Naruto x Hyuga Hinata (Naruto/Naruto Shippuden) - Sato Takahiko x Yoshida Yoshio (Aitsu no Daihonmei) - Inu Yasha x Kagome (Inu Yasha) - Saotome Ranma x Tendo Akane (Ranma 1/2) - Mutou Yuugi x Jonouchi Katsuya (Yu-gi-oh!) - Sai......   reply
22 11,2016
Actually, I used to RP with my fiance', back before we got together. I RP'd as Michiru Kaioh (Sailor Neptune), and he RP'd as Takao Kinomiya (Bakuten Shoot Beyblade). After us getting together and getting engaged, we even had an RP wedding for our characters. That's where my screen name, KinomiyaMichiru, comes from.   reply
22 11,2016
RukaMichi / UraNept from Sailor Moon. Gotta love THE BEAUTIFUL COUPLE. Without a doubt, my favorite of all time. But, I ship so many couples. Let's just list a few here..... AmiMako / JupiMerc, UsaMamo / TuxMoon / SelEndy, UsaSei / FighterMoon, Heero x Duo, IchiHime, Kyou x Tohru, ReiKai, TyKai, Nanami x Tomoe, Speed x Trixie, etc. I could list......   reply
22 11,2016
Ah well I did a long time ago when I was 15 (I'm 20 now) and it really didn't go well at all. It was a cruel rejection followed by ridicule and teasing. It was definitely a very hurtful experience and despite 5 years having passed, it's not something I would probably ever do again.   reply
22 11,2016
No, never. The possibility of rejection is terrifying. But, I do have the same problem a lot of the others seem to be having and I'm thinking it is a BAD idea to be best friends with a person of the gender that you are attracted to, because you end up developing feelings. If it works out then great, but sometimes it just won't. Like in my case, it'......   reply
22 11,2016
Ah I've had the same experience but hmm I always tell my crushes I like them it just never goes well haha. The guys I like don't like me and the ones I don't like do.   reply
22 11,2016
Ahh, answering these sort of questions make me feel young again. I wouldn't call what I feel 'crushes' exactly. More like shallow, meaningless attraction/interest. I'm a pretty cold person or so I've been told. I've drunkenly confessed my attraction a few times, once ending up in the other person's bed the next morning with little to no recollect......   reply
22 11,2016

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