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Question page 1732 (34991)

(I made this without a bad intention , really I like story , but I just want to know what other people think about this)

I lost myself in good and bad way , harada sensei manga help me to accept all mess up story .
almost a month or more I read and find similiar story line and almost like them very much =,= , to the point there is big hole in my life if not read it.
I don't know how but thank now it stop.
But I kinda afraid to read again , after I see who is mangaka.
even if the story interesting , I close it without second thought.
if I touch it again , it hard to back LOL

but all harada sensei manga I read is soooooooooooooooo cooooooooooooooL
I mean the story is ....
you never know what might happend in next chap.
so much new door , and well you will know what i mean
17 03,2017
This question has been bothering me for a very long time. Do I need to fall in love with another gender to know my sexual orientation?
17 03,2017
16 03,2017
after reading way too much student x teacher manga, i'm starting to wonder, how is it, liking a teacher? do you have any experience(s)? how is it? do they know? tell me :)
16 03,2017
what is your favorite
1-anime (that is yaoi/shounen-ai)
2-manga (that is yaoi/shounen-ai)
3-anime (that is yuri/shoujo-ai)
4-manga (that is yuri/shoujo-ai)
5-anime (that is not yuri/shoujo-ai and yaoi/shounen-ai)
6-manga (that is not yuri/shoujo-ai and yaoi/shounen-ai)
7-genre of anime (that is not yuri/shoujo-ai and yaoi/shounen-ai)

what is your least favorite
8-anime (that is yaoi/shounen-ai)
9-manga (that is yaoi/shounen-ai)
10-anime (that is yuri/shoujo-ai)
11-manga (that is yuri/shoujo-ai)
12-anime (that is not yuri/shoujo-ai and yaoi/shounen-ai)
13-manga (that is not yuri/shoujo-ai and yaoi/shounen-ai)
14-genre of anime (that is not yuri/shoujo-ai and yaoi/shounen-ai)
15 03,2017
I had a science teacher in 7th grade. She was nice at the beginning of the year. But in the mid of the year she started to EXPLODE at anyone who makes the faintest sound. I remember her saying that cutting and glueing isn't allowed in class even after we finished all our work. And the worst thing she did is...
Okay we had our end-of-semester finals. The week before the finals is like. Practicing for it or something like that. I never came to these "practices" because...I'm to lazy. I love sleep ok?!. Plus, we didn't have lessons or anything. BUT that stupid teacher thought it's a good idea to u know "oh. Well how about I make my students go to school for no reason till THURSDAY just to give me their supposed-to-be organized notebooks?" Yea. She made us organize our HOME. Wat the heck?! I dont have time for shoving the notebook inside my bag! I usually just throw it inside my locker! Then when Thursday came. She said "well I did say that it's due on Thursday. But it's actually on Friday. I'm just making sure you're not organizing your notebook the night before. Oh btw we have a mini-project ! It's due is Friday! Any questions?"......... AAAAUUUUGGGHH I wasted almost A WHOLE WEEK FOR THIS?!?!?? Gawd I wanted to throw my notebook right at her face! I did come on Friday because she's the type that can give you a "C" if you miss one important lesson! ヽ(`Д´)ノ
15 03,2017
Welcome all perverted fujoshis and fudanshis. Simple question.

I think my favorite is missionary tbh. Yes it is a "boring" position, but I love when my seme and uke have that DIRECT eye contact. I'm also a fan of standing doggie. I also like when they do it in public places, my favorite being the office, where my seme and uke have a chance of getting caught. What about you, fellow perverts? ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄
14 03,2017
about dates
So I'm totally having a date I can't help but feel anxious about it I mean I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO.

My last date was kind of ok unless the fact I didn't know it was a date untill them kissed me. Somethings got out of my control and happened a couple of things I didn't planned (sex included).

So I don't really know what to do because I am really nervous about the damn thing, I mean, I don't really do dates that why I'm SHAKING ANXIOUS I CAN'T SLEEP.

Someone where with clues to how to calm down and try not to fuck everything up?
13 03,2017
gee 12 03,2017
I always feel very uncomfortable reading mangas (or any type of literature) with incest relationships on it. No matter how good the story, and art was, even it it's just a hint, my brain will automatically split into stop-or-continue mode. If the incest was confirmed, I'll close that tab right away. I know it's not just me, so raise your hand if you are with me.
12 03,2017
More like I need help idk how to deal with this.

I think I'm falling in love with my best friend but my best friend is like my second world cause my family always comes first.
He is kind and sweet, he never gets mad at me even though I get mad at him sometimes, he always go places with me whenever he is free and no matter how mean I get or how bad I do things he is literally always by my side.

He once asked me if I wanted to go out on Valentine's Day (omg I said no) he said it was our "date", I noticed that he gets mad when I talk about other guys but I always reassure him that I like him way more than any other person.

Lately I keep thinking about him, I know it's wrong cause I'm sure that falling in love with him is not the right thing to do and we both have had someone in the past, now it's been almost 2 and half years that we r single.

I don't wanna like him that way but whenever I think that one day he will get married I get so frustrated. I wish I could confess but I'll get rejected (probably) idk what to do, idk what to think and I'm so fucking scared of falling head over heels for him and he falls for someone else.

What shall I do, what can I do.... Idk....
11 03,2017
I've seen people who are either very patriotic or people like me who wouldn't classify themselves as being patriotic, honestly I can't bring myself to LOVE my country but i'd like to get other people's point of view and opinions in regards to patriotism, and what they define as being "patriotic"
11 03,2017
I can't. I've been told so many times I look ugly when I was younger, but when I look in the mirror, I have to agree. I don't care too much about how I look in front of others, but around my crush I get super self-conscious and just look at them from afar.
09 03,2017
I broke up with my first girlfriend and supposing my closest friend
The reason why is because she cheated everyone knew except for me and she started like the person around the time she asked me out
Isn't that fucked up?
I didn't take it by heart since I'm strong and can control my emotions
But still why ask me out when you like someone else?
08 03,2017
I broke up with my first girlfriend and supplying my closest friend
The reason why is because she cheated everyone knew except for me and she started like the person around the time she asked me out
Isn't that fucked up?
I didn't take it by heart since I'm strong and can control my emotions
But still why ask me out when you like someone else?
08 03,2017
Physical wise and personality wise.
It's a pipe dream with my generation. Honestly I would just like a taller boy, who is cute but down to earth. Like, let's feed each other doritos and kick each others butt in Mario Kart.
A person can dream tho, amirite へ( ̄∇ ̄へ)
06 03,2017
recently I was wondering what will happened if my parents caught me reading yaoi, like in between their hot scenes, so I was thinking wow should I come out clean to everyone i know like, hey i read gay sex manga and i love it so much yay
but no way since all of my family are homophobic :(
(i can't understand why would people oppose people's happiness ya know, it's not like it's our business, it's their happiness we have no right to oppose them)
06 03,2017
Just post whoever you like! <3 (▰˘◡˘▰)
05 03,2017
Are there any yaoi's out there with people who are afraid of something and shaking then get consoled by another guy.

I know of 1, "Kiss in Darkness", that I liked. any others along those lines?
05 03,2017
What are three yaoi mangas that everybody seems to love or like but you absolutely hate or just don't get the hype?
*** You can write more than three, if you like.
04 03,2017
I tried to do it and it was like completely impossible for someone to not talk for a day because it's already a habit that we have within us

For me I could stay from the moment I wake up about 6 hours

Try it and tell if it was hard and how long u could ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶ stay
04 03,2017

People are doing

did nicknames

i always thought nicknames nd petnames were weird until I met my gf, she calls me love, baby, and sweetie all the time and I love it so much

13 minutes
did lose a friend

gave up on having online friends, best decision ever. no more toxicity and worry about meeting their demands

1 hours
did song lyrics stuck in head

My pussy is on fire and your dick is the extinguisher

5 hours

Search thing


What is a 'thing'?

'Things' are your daily life experiences by which you get to know the world around you. Tell others about the things you did, may it be cool, sad, crazy or funny. You can also find things that you might want to do and a friend to do it with!

In all the things that you have done
Recommend the most worthwhile thing