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crazykitty's experience (2)

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about question
I feel nothing when i look at the male body. i used to when i was in middle school but now i’m not interested at all. however i do go through these phases that last less than a week sometimes (like in 6th grade and more recently the beginning of 10th) where i’m obsessed with some random guy and i want to date him and stuff. then like a day pass......   reply
6 hours
about question
04 01,2024
if anyone is like “omg u’re doing this for attention” plssss don’t respond. i don’t like telling irls my problems. +don’t read this if talking abt eating disorders bothers you i have a really bad appetite like it’s hard for me to get myself to eat anything. i’m also on medication that makes it hard to gain weight. i hate this soo m......   2 reply
04 01,2024