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sacchan's answer (8)

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about question
If this was true: ngl, I'm impressed you're flexible   reply
07 07,2021
I do, but not for the same reason. I watch any kind you're gonna tap into some good stuff if you just try out everything   reply
19 02,2021
26 02,2021
Pedophilia is by definition a disturbed sexual preference (like voyeurism and fetishism) and listed as an illness. Meaning you should get treatment and seek professional help. Condemnation of the person themselves is not gonna help anybody and there should be more treatment offered to prevent any victims. That's where the main focus should lie in m......   reply
26 02,2021
about question
When you are done with school and sit in university, you'll know why it was nice   reply
21 07,2021
I love DOES. They have a lot of good songs, some are also featured in anime.   reply
17 04,2021
about question
I'd like to know, too   reply
07 07,2021
What tf made you post this on mangago?!   1 reply
26 02,2021