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Emz&m’s's answer page 2 (40)

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Does it count if the crush was your best friend? I’m still friends with her now... lol.   reply
13 12,2020
done with EVERYTHING   reply
30 04,2021
I sorta made myself more fancy as a mermaid…. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭   reply
22 07,2021
What ever people want it to be. Most people go with female. One person calls me dude. I’m okay with anything as long as they don’t call me short~~   1 reply
04 01,2021
I tried for a soft serve sugary sweet character   reply
23 07,2021
Intj. Positive: I don’t fucking care about you and your feelings. I care more about the fact that my best friend is drawing of a duck with sexy legs. Negative: I fucking care about my feelings more than you. And I get a bit anxious about stuff like answering certain questions on interviews.   1 reply
22 06,2021
Well now then... how do I get out of this situation...   reply
25 11,2020
Ok, so I know that I’m the one who wrote this question, but now I wanna add a lot of things that I found disgusting or disappointing. 1. The pee and poop thing 2. Most shouta that has actual shouta. (Some shouta is just shorter guys) 3. Vibraters inside while having sex. As in, the small vibrater is still inside, vibrating while someone is also s......   1 reply
21 06,2020
The fact that I seem extremely excited when I’m typing, but I’m reality I’m the lonely guy in the corner reading some random shit I found somewhere.   reply
31 12,2020
Rutta To Kodama... I think it’s the best one to start off with... it was also my first ever manga I’ve read.   reply
18 04,2020
Ever since I was a little kid, my sister constantly told me to not say curse words, now every time I hear a curse word, I wince, I have as habit of replacing curse words with food names, and no matter what I can’t even write one out. I almost screamed at my mom yesterday from stress, but I got more stressed from the fact that my body physically c......   reply
07 05,2020
Thank you. I mean it.   reply
21 04,2020
Sorry, the tile is Supposed to say Evil “Protagonist”. Sorry   reply
21 04,2020
Emz&m’s 29 04,2021
29 04,2021
Sorta... it’s difficult to explain but my family knows that I read manga (aka ‘reading anime stuff’), and my mom has caught me reading yaoi once or twice. I try not to read any hardcore stuff with people around, and I walk out during the sex scenes, but I’ve been doing this for 4+ years now. I’m pretty sure that my mom has forgotten the t......   reply
08 05,2020
Either finally figure out how to draw myself as a boy, or be happy because I can now be taller than 5’3”   reply
04 06,2020
Emz&m’s 26 12,2020
You have three options: 1. Ignore the fact that he heard it and pretend that it didn’t happen 2. Silence him 3. Get him addicted to the music you like   1 reply
26 12,2020
A New Friend!!! Yay!!! Recommended nickname is Em, pronouns are she/her, tho I can go by anything (I am chill about gender equality), and I am 16 y/o. Nice to meet you! ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄) ⁄ (added)- Oh no! I forgot the most important part!!! My favorite genre are Yaoi, Shoujo, Shounen, Adventure, etc... My least favorite are horror......   reply
26 12,2020
about question
yep. Basically this, but more messy.   reply
25 04,2021
Every single person in my friend group + me, yeah. I love you all. Please get me either a girlfriend or a boyfriend who understands the difference between manga and anime plz.( ̄∇ ̄")   reply
30 04,2020