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Ugliano's answer (15)

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Oh my god it was Shu from beyblade, 6 year old me had my priorities straight   3 reply
09 08,2020
Omg bitch why the fuck did you go ahead and decide it was alright to Jerk off to Bob Ross's dead carcass???? Mother fucker you did it so badly that the fucking dead man started cumming????? Dunno if I should be mad or impressed.   reply
25 09,2020
When The Cps officer told me I messed up and should stop doing shit that would get her in trouble. God damn did I hate her   reply
26 09,2020
when Tanjiro ad Inosuke got along real great in the forest scene : D   reply
07 12,2020
I was dying of boredom and unlike other kids I didnt have a hobby or anything i did for fun. It was all study for me and then bam, my weeb sister told me to make an account here and I read mangas on morning and evening bus rides, in between lessons, skipped my homework for it, became an addict and now I'm like this.   reply
01 12,2020
She's a freak, lil bad hoe Gaspare told me kill it, I said lemme grab my death note   reply
15 11,2020
If one of these god damn blood bags don't pull out a knife, I will   reply
29 09,2020
Ugliano 22 07,2020
I'm not in college but I'm meant to go back to my school this fall. I live in a big city and I attend a school far away from where I live so I always have to wake up early and take a few buses or trains to get there AND I hate that I have to do that during the time the virus is still spreading. The kids in my school are pretty well behaved and resp......   1 reply
22 07,2020
about birthday
happy birthday, i hope you have a great day!!!!   reply
11 01,2021
Ugliano 03 12,2020
Lmao it depends on what they blocked, I can't access reddit or discord. MY school doesn't know these kinda sites exist so unless someone snitches that we're wasting our time on certain sites we get to use it scott free   reply
03 12,2020
Ugliano 29 11,2020
I refuse to see it in fear   1 reply
29 11,2020
I just hope Biden can at least improve it   reply
30 11,2020
10 05,2021
The person is very unsettling to me and only me so I don't know if this counts but oh well get ready for a story time. Well this person was very normal to other people. But she's very sketchy. You'll know when you meet her. This happened in elementary btw. This girl desperately wanted to be friends with me for some reason. She would ......   1 reply
21 09,2020
Id love to be your friend! I, myself have three friends one of them being online. If you message me your discord we can chat there!!!   1 reply
06 05,2021