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k.mlea's answer (9)

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pretty accurate to what I actually look like, but less Asian.   1 reply
13 01,2021
I’m already a masochist so this was super easy to answer. Lmaooo   reply
27 07,2020
k.mlea 29 06,2020
Too many to count.   reply
29 06,2020
1. I personally don’t want to be a gay man. I like being a woman, though it still has it’s hardships as well. I understand that it’s hard to be a gay man because this world isn’t exactly perfect. I think people who are part of lgbtq+ are strong because they deal with a lot of shit. 2. I personally love fem characters in Yaoi. I cheer them ......   reply
25 08,2020
91   reply
13 10,2020
I’ve had a couple love triangles(ish). I have a hard time liking guys romantically because they keep disappointing me and hurting me. I hate when people lead others on so if someone likes me I definitely tell them I don’t feel the same right away. One time I had two guys like me at the same time but they were friends but I told them both I didn......   2 reply
01 08,2020
about question
Well, I feel like regardless of his sexuality, it all goes down to what he runs for. I haven’t heard his name before so I don’t know what he believes and what he wants to do for the United States. I wouldn’t vote for someone just because they’re gay. Though I do know this country is sick and many people will judge someone solely on their se......   1 reply
08 02,2021