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Sia's answer (7)

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about penpals
I would love to join if possible how can give my number?   1 reply
24 07,2018
i would love to if I'm not too late, (i am Sia#3548)   1 reply
08 04,2020
aaaah i don't know if I am too late but I wanna join i am 21 btw and 3rd year of uni line ID is siagh1212   1 reply
16 05,2018
about penpals
25 06,2018
YYEESSSSSS I would love that Line ID: siagh1212   reply
25 06,2018
about penpals
i would love that my Line ID: is siagh1212   reply
27 06,2018
I would love to join, in the mood for a change of pace my ID is: Sia#3548   reply
19 02,2019
19 02,2019
if you're still adding ppl up i would love to join Sia#3548   reply
19 02,2019