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Kittenface18's answer (17)

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Yohan and Soohwa from Sign Laguage, I absolutely adore them. For Shounen-ai, probably Jaerim and Yuri from never understand/out of control   reply
02 10,2019
Just someone to love me. Ive been broken all my life and I’m scared to love, but I also yearn for it... like, i love the idea of being in a relationship where the other respects your wishes. I don’t want kids, I don’t wear dresses, I like long clothing, I prefer bring inside rather than being around people, I have depression, I have anxiety, ......   2 reply
26 05,2019
I’ve really wanted the manga sign language (it’s on here if you wanna read it) to become an anime. I feel like the animators could do so much with it and it would be amazing.(๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧   reply
12 01,2019
I’d probably try to avoid the people that've hurt me. Like exes and bullies basically. Basically, I’d just avoid love for most of my life. It’s what has hurt me most, so maybe I’d feel a lot better if it never happened.   reply
04 07,2019
A fear of being rejected, whether by love or society. I’m scared of loving someone and having my heart broken like in the past, but I just want someone to love me. I continuously have a wall around my heart and the times I’ve let it down I’ve been hurt. I also can’t be myself because I’m scared of what people think. I feel like I have to......   reply
17 06,2019
Definitely. Most of the time before I make friends I let them know how into anime I am, then ask if they know what Yaoi is. I’ve had a few people become creeped out and leave, but most of my friends are super into it/support me. ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶   reply
17 01,2019
Junjou Romantica was my first BL anime, but I like the ships from Sekaiichi hatsukoi more. Plot wise, JR is also better and the manga made me cry lol. It has to be JR, but that doesn’t mean I like all the characters (Usami and Misaki are my OTP though).   reply
17 01,2019
Absolutely not. Yaoi (and just anime in general) has always helped me through hard times. Yaoi expecially helped because of the love stories and the situation I was in. I don’t feel comfortable saying my story on here but Yaoi helped a lot through the hard times and just overall was the best thing ever. I would hate myself if I ever gave away som......   2 reply
04 12,2018
I’m fucked   reply
29 03,2024
so, it’s affected it both negatively and positively. I was super into Yaoi which made me super into anime, and I met this guy who I started dating, and the only thing we really had in common was video games and anime. He then proceeded to break up with me over text. Shortly after that, I fell super deeply into depression. Yaoi was one of the main......   reply
24 08,2019
== Results from == 99% Switch 88% Slave 75% Pet 63% Boy/Girl 62% Submissive 60% Primal (Hunter) 59% Degrader 57% Rope bunny 57% Rigger 56% Dominant 55% Sadist 55% Experimentalist 51% Degradee 50% Masochist 50% Owner 49% Brat 46% Brat tamer 44% Master/Mistress 42% Daddy/Mommy 41% Primal (Prey) 23% Vanilla 20% Non-m......   reply
02 03,2019
Never told anyone, but I sometimes do, only when it suites my tastes though (which doesn’t happen as often as you might think). I usually just read Yaoi and move onto pornhub, but sometimes I stay on the page. Though, audio is more appealing to me.   1 reply
24 06,2019
Personality type: “The Mediator” (INFP-T) Individual traits: Introverted – 89%, Intuitive – 66%, Feeling – 61%, Prospecting – 83%, Turbulent – 83% Role: Diplomat Strategy: Constant Improvement   reply
07 06,2019
12-years old, female, in 7th grade, half Guatemalan, I have 2 cats and a cat, I ship most of the boys in my school with each other, and I love anything gay.   reply
23 02,2019
Rosa? I tried googling “white flowers” and the flower that matched thr photo most was something called a Rosa 'KORbin'. I don’t know the whole gift from god thing because a lot of names mean that, but the national flower of Iran is a rose sooo   reply
18 02,2021
I’m pretty sure I was in about fifth grade when I found Yaoi (I’m in 7th grade now), but I’m pretty sure only around the beginning of 6th grade did I find the “detailed scenes”. At first, I was kind of confused because I never really thought about guys doing it before, but the more I read the more I became used to it lol. Now, it’s just......   1 reply
29 04,2019
You know, it matters more about finding the right person rather than just finding people you like in your life. I know a person who has the same issue you have, and let me just tell you it’s probably better that you haven’t fallen in love yet. In the future you might still make the same mistakes anyone else would, but right now not being in lov......   reply
23 12,2019