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blonk's answer (4)

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And one of my favorite character intros:   6 reply
27 03,2024
about question
Get some good birth control and adopt. Just because you can get pregnant doesn't mean you have to   reply
28 05,2024
I don't think there's really any tried and true method. Everyone is just trying their best. I would say be kind. It takes effort, but it's doable. And don't let people take advantage of you but don't be mean either. A lot of maturity comes from experience too because you've already been through situations so you know how to react instead of being o......   reply
17 05,2024
about question
You can look for communities online or look for hobby groups that meet in your area, like for fiber crafts or tabletop games. Public libraries will often host meetings and you can check their calendar online. Join a book club. Take a class at your community center or something. Basically you gotta pick a place and show up regularly, that's how you ......   reply
17 05,2024