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Mouse's answer (15)

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This is my first time replying to a question lol but you shouldn't be ashamed. There is nothing wrong being being kinky but if someone is uncomfortable with the topic then it's best not to bring it up in front of them. Not everyone is comfortable when it comes to sexual topics, especially when it gets into hardcore and fetish stuff. It was a bit ru......   1 reply
10 05,2018
So many bad ones but onision has to be the worst i know   1 reply
12 12,2020
the perfect man   1 reply
21 02,2021
Mouse 18 02,2021
Y'all too comfortable on here sometimes smh   reply
18 02,2021
This is absolutely red flags! He is stalkerish and sounds abusive. Honestly, I would even go as far to say call the police. He came across the country without permission or even any communication and found out where you lived. It doesn't matter if it is your cousin, that is frightening and not okay. And the fact that she is a minor AND his cousin. ......   1 reply
08 05,2020
I don't know about other people, I never even finished killing stalking because I found it repetitive and started to get bored with it, but I didn't read it thinking it was some hot spicy romance. I read it because I really like darker stories. I prefer to watch darker animes, read darker books, and even read comics like that. I found it to just be......   1 reply
16 12,2020   reply
18 02,2021
Helllloooo it me   reply
22 05,2021
I'm going to be honest and say yes. It's porn. It's adult content. This is coming from someone who is ten years older than you who got into graphic stuff when I was young. Maybe wait until you're a little older. You can definitely read lgbt stuff just make sure it is age appropriate.   reply
13 04,2020
Back when you could find whole anime series on youtube, I used to watch a lot on there but you wouldnt know what it was until you watched it because they never have descriptions. I watched no.6, which is a shounen ai, but then I came across Sekai ichi hatsukoi on accident lol   1 reply
19 02,2021
about drawing
I do! I'm not that good at it but I'm proud of the progress I've made. I'm still learning how to go it digitally. I haven't had a lot of time lately though. With work, school, family problems, and an illness, I haven't been able to draw like I used to and it makes me sad. I really want to start back up again. I also like to draw really weird thin......   1 reply
18 09,2018
Isn't the lgbt community for people who aren't cis heterosexual heteroromantic? like if you aren't all of these things together then you are part of the lgbt community.   2 reply
12 02,2019
I'm a bi demigirl (she/they) and I love girls with all of my heart   2 reply
20 08,2018
about penpals
I'm 21! I don't have a line account anymore because I didn't have a lot of room on my phone but I have discord!   reply
04 10,2018
I feel so old reading these lol I'm 22 and I think I was like 15?   1 reply
16 05,2020