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Nuts's answer (5)

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When I was 15 I had a younger Boyfriend who was very toxic. We both were toxic due to our circumstances. Well one time, we both were in a Voice Chat and this random girl joined whom my ex didn’t like for some reason, so he literally made her cry with his verbal abuse. He somehow found out that she was beaten by her parents and said many insensiti......   2 reply
31 05,2021
about question
Nuts 26 04,2021
I look like your typical japanese girl but I am not japanese   reply
26 04,2021
about penpals
so guys i think i wanna make group so if anyone wants to join just reply (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ   1 reply
04 04,2018
what does this mean   1 reply
26 06,2021
Ideally someone with dark hair, blue/light colored eyes, caucasian, tall and has a similar way of dressing like me   reply
26 04,2021