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Luxuria's answer (5)

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about cooking
I stick with 2% but my vegan friend introduced to oatmeal milk so I occasionally drink that too. BTW, I just had a stroke reading the question.   reply
21 11,2020
I found an article that might explain why Pian Pian was taken down.   reply
13 04,2020
Comparing omegaverses and mpregs, I prefer omegaverses cause they have a basic set of rules instead of some convenient or outrageous plot point used to reason out why a male character is pregnant. I also like how people don't discriminate with genders and having same sex relationships because both men and women can give birth, alpha women are consi......   reply
11 08,2020
I don't have tiktok but my sibling does and sometimes we go through it together. They mostly follow and like content that are like tutorials, tips and tricks, and realistic stories (interesting ones like"bts as a Disney worker" or "how I was treated after I resigned from my toxic job"; not teenage or children drama). Because of the content my sibli......   1 reply
11 08,2020
I watched Junjou Romantica and I wanted to read the manga. Because the anime skipped the sex scenes, I was shocked because I didn't know much about yaoi. I actually stopped reading yaoi for a week and just stared at the genre tag because I thought it was weird of me to like looking at two men kissing. But then I realized there was a whole community......   reply
08 06,2020