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Sirin's answer page 4 (116)

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I didn’t know what you were talking about until I saw a comment here and I regret my life choices. Can these degenerates keep this shit in their bedroom please??   reply
08 07,2021
about question
10 06,2021
Back then I always wanted them but now after hearing some struggles of people with big basankas I kinda don’t want them, but I still feel jealous sometimes. Also they’re great   reply
10 06,2021
Ajksvewmije I already saw this weeks ago though, but I don’t mind seeing it again   reply
15 05,2021
about question
Melissophobia (Bees) Emetophobia (Vomiting) Entomophobia (Insects) All came from childhood trauma! Haha   reply
10 06,2021
First; Ayy same, Second; here is some info on the therm (ignore if you already know): You are right ‘fujoshi’ doesn’t mean anything bad, the west just bastardizes the word and keeps throwing the word ‘fetishized’ around. I stopped calling myself fujoshi years ago because the bad rep they gott......   reply
30 05,2021
about question
I have lots of cringe moments form my childhood that I don’t wanna really recall any of them cuz 1. I might take forever to type all of them and 2. I don’t wanna get a flashbacks   reply
01 03,2021
22 06,2021
Sometimes she is sweet and sometimes she can be a bitch ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ she confuses me sometimes.   reply
22 06,2021
Kinda relate 1. My mom used to compare me to another girl, like all the freaking time! Like better hairstyle, her going outside more, doing well at school, etc! Like OK I’m sorry I’m not her! and also that same girl is pregnant so now my mom suddenly thinks lowly of her, like bruh. 2. Mom is homophobic so I’ll be dead if I go out with a g......   reply
14 04,2021
A ChilLi picture?? Your a person of culture. And you should! Wish I had the balls to change my school pfp to a chili one.   reply
05 06,2021
23 07,2021
Ok attention whore   reply
23 07,2021
about question
Lmao idk I can’t think of anything main characters to hate. Just some asshole background characters that are just rude to you for no reason ig? And ship I hate?? Uh the only one that’s comes in mind is Chilumi? Or maybe JeanxDiluc?? (No hate to Those who ship it tho, y’all are valid! I’m more of a Chili and Loner Diluc person)   reply
04 07,2021
I would be mad at him…? It really isn’t that much difference if it was a woman. Thought I would probably look at his prospective and thought that maybe he going through pressure on marrying a woman because of homophobia. But that’s still not an excuse for cheating and he should have left my mom if he’s not truly happy (my parents aren’t m......   reply
29 06,2021
There is so many things wrong with this lmfao.   reply
20 02,2021
Like 474, I wasted most of the rest on the Klee banner and I’m waiting to pull on the Kazuha banner tomorrow.   1 reply
29 06,2021
about question
Slap the fuck out of him and divorced him, probably cheated bc I didn’t want to give birth to a kid. Take his money. Probably take care of the kid until I can find some close family (grandparents or uncles/Aunts) cuz am not good with taking care of kids.   reply
01 07,2021
Phone, my phone is an IPhone 8 Plus with 64GB. I mean idk I play genshin impact just fine with it, Definitely better then my old iPhone 6.   reply
07 06,2021
about lgbt
Honestly I’m still in the closet and can’t tell anyone yet but I have one thing. When I was in 6th grade, after My sister found out I was into BL we started getting into talking about sexuality, when I mentioned bisexual (one of my friends was bisexual) that’s when it was getting biphobic, she said stuff like “bisexuals are just confused”......   reply
06 07,2021
about dogs
Last time I checked was weeks ago and had at least two A’s and three B’s tho I was scared to see my grades throughout the months. So, Algebra:93%, Conceptual Physics:91%, Criminal justices:88%, English:82%, heritage Spanish:82% Meanwhile my sibling has all As in a university, oof.   reply
26 12,2020
about question
3 and 4   reply
17 05,2021
about question
18 07,2021
Jpop, Eurobeat, and video game music ig   reply
18 07,2021