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Judging all of yall silently's answer (7)

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People who hate on emoticons ^v^!~   reply
11 01,2024
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Yo I know im so hot   6 reply
03 03,2024
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My boy got fucked over by the story so hard T-T He's the only character I actually felt sympathy for tbh...   3 reply
14 01,2024
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enslaved x enslaver is yucky yuck no matter what :D   reply
01 01,2024
Power imbalances, usually has the ml being toxic and manipulative as fuck. Rlly aggressive or too forgiving characters js piss me off and make me cringe and ofc incest and rape like why is that so common...?   1 reply
16 12,2023
about question
To be hot forever.   1 reply
10 01,2024
The only milk I'll drink has to be from him. :3 BLEHH   1 reply
09 12,2023