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~J~'s answer (7)

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"You look fatter than in your picture." Said by my close friend's boyfriend whom I met for the first time via video call.   1 reply
05 01,2021
Not a kid but pre teen. When I had my first period, my mom told me to not take a bath until my period ends because taking a bath will mess with your head and make you go insane. I followed her the first 2 days but because I felt gross, I ended up showering on the 3rd day. That was some pretty crazy superstition. Seriously.   reply
05 12,2020
Definitely manga. Let's face it. Without mangas there'll be no manhwas. No matter what genre it is.   5 reply
10 05,2020
Sorry but I find your questions biased and rude. You are complaining about comments that you only read. Have you actually stopped and asked a girl IRL (like you keep stressing) if they feel the same way as how you described above? I am a girl but I am not obssessed with yaoi like you stated. This is a manga site. The last I know mangas are not real......   2 reply
10 05,2019
Borrowed ------> Death   1 reply
28 02,2019
Beta as expected! Woooot!   1 reply
14 09,2019
I AM UBER LAZY! Even I get amazed sometimes at how lazy I am. ( ̄∇ ̄")   3 reply
13 04,2019