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Dylan_D21's answer page 14 (315)

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Taichi from Hidamari ga Kikoeru. no words can describe how much I want this boy to be my therapist askjdks   reply
28 08,2020
Dylan_D21 20 09,2020
sureeeeeee   reply
20 09,2020
- Caste heaven - 19 Days - Love Shuttle - Love is an Illusion! (I know that it has ended but I'd drop all my activities once I see an update of this manhwa lel) - King's Maker   reply
13 12,2019
about drawing
Clip Studio Paint, but if I wanna doodle somethin' quick on my phone ibisPaint X is the way to go   reply
11 09,2020
Dylan_D21 16 09,2020   reply
16 09,2020
I fell asleep and there are two more parts in this drama ffs, can anyone link me part three?? ╥﹏╥   1 reply
04 07,2020
I don't want to input anything, just commenting so more people see this. We needed this PSA.   reply
23 07,2020
I don't even remember what the story is like anymore... I think it was a Free! doujinshi with the RinHaru pair. I didn't read it here tho.   2 reply
13 04,2020
Three years agoo.. on my first year all I read was RinHaru doujins lol I strived on that shit   1 reply
20 09,2020
Iceland, if I could overcome the language barrier that is   1 reply
17 08,2020
i wanna do whatever this cat is doing   reply
11 08,2020
about worst sin
Dylan_D21 02 11,2020
I kinda like it, well I wouldn't know for sure cuz it ain't done yet but so far I'm liking the vibes: pure horror and no romance, as it should.   reply
02 11,2020
Dylan_D21 05 09,2020
o boy you don't know how long I've been waiting for important questions like this   3 reply
05 09,2020
Mmm never happened to me. I'll get through fucking everything, I'm sure of it.   1 reply
02 10,2020
you can take turns petting my cat but remember to fucking pay   reply
02 10,2020
Dylan_D21 13 09,2020
my awakened homosexuality   reply
13 09,2020
Dylan_D21 02 10,2020
I'd rather not, lol   reply
02 10,2020
INTJ: it says I'm all serious and shit but my obsession to trolling around online defies stereotypes smh   reply
06 09,2020
I have a mole on my hand. ._.   2 reply
14 04,2019
A long and happy life for my cat. My life does not matter. I just want him to be happy and I'm already satisfied.   1 reply
19 05,2018