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KUROUI's answer page 2 (32)

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A 5 on my AP exam please   1 reply
24 04,2024
about question
In kindergarten me and my old friend were re-enacting the kiss scene in Cinderella during summer school. Pretty sure we didn’t think much of it since we were still kids and I still don’t cause it wasn’t that serious. I wonder how she’s doing now.   reply
30 07,2023
Omg hiii! I never thought I thought I’d a shota-con here!!(*^o^*) I’m so happy that I have finally met you, it’s so hardᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ!! But you know what else it’s hard? The big metal bat I’m gonna shove down your fucking throat u disgusting filthy piece of shit I hope the FBI comes to raid ur house and everyone that you know sees this ......   reply
01 09,2023
well…guess we eating good tonight   1 reply
11 08,2023
about question
When I start seeing that fucking carrot girl watermark.   1 reply
18 01,2024
13 12,2023
about have sex
KUROUI 24 09,2023
……………   reply
24 09,2023
Strawberry, cookies n cream, and peanut butter and chocolate!   reply
14 03,2024
Okay then CUM BITCH   reply
10 10,2023
about question
Can someone fill me in I have no idea what’s going on   2 reply
28 01,2024