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jaes snakes's answer page 3 (53)

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Nothing but paljae fits this description! underrated and 10 out of 10 art style I think it's underrated because a lot of people are put off by the "age difference" which if you even read half of the damn thing you would know it's not an age difference or grooming situation   1 reply
1 days
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apparently not wanting to force myself to smile (no like literally not in an edgy way but like my jaw/cheeks hurt because i have a natural frown) makes me and my family look bad   1 reply
4 days
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this is how it goes for me i tell the truth > the truth isn't what they want to hear > it becomes an issue so it turns into this i lie so they can be pleased > everything is ok > i feel guilty for lying though   1 reply
11 days
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jaes snakes
9 days
Customer support   reply
9 days
I don't know if we're talking about the same gacha but I used my son's scholarship and still didn't hit the jackpot but it's okay because all gamblers give up right when they're about to hit big so I'm not giving up   reply
13 hours
oh, dear blood link... we have been through so much and i never want to see you have ruined my innocence and sent me down the rabbit hole of omegaverse bls... anyways i love u so much 10/10 would read again   1 reply
19 days
about question
i have literally nobody to talk to this about to and now that im reading it i want to delete it but i have to tell someone so when i was like 8? 9 maybe? i had this cousin right his name is todrick we call him tod. so he used to come over he was like 10 i cant remember. we used to sneak into this tent thing and. um. smooch. yea idk either ok?? i w......   2 reply
13 days
rain world we're in a love-hate relationship   reply
15 days
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mangabuddy?   reply
20 days
teondre, my dear uncle...why tf u looking at my little sister while i change her.... i love u man i love u but stop being sus yo ass was standing there at the doorway just... watchin. like wtf u doing u think i dont see u??   reply
11 days
blud is having post nut clarity   reply
2 days
jealous and by the god of lofi hiphop, nujabes, feather   reply
7 days