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table salt's answer page 1 (22)

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absolutely hate how women are treated as a plot device to make the one of them jealous and then they're literally thrown aside. not to mention how readers get instantly angry whenever any woman gets close to one of the characters. I was so scared they would do that to our girl in Our Sunny Days but thank goodness they only used that as a cliffhang......   4 reply
19 12,2023
about question
I don't moan, but I do scream bloody murder at the top of my lungs and beat my chest idk it might just be me   reply
11 02,2024
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Yes, and no. Yes, they do get boring after a while, but sometimes it's so good that I want to read another thing that's really similar   1 reply
13 01,2024
beidou - she's carried me since lisa's story quest and she isn't ever going to stop carrying me. literally rolling for kazuha just so my wife can have her son   1 reply
24 05,2021
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- Mermaid Line chapters 6-7: it's a gl short story where a woman comes out as trans to her girlfriend and it makes me tear up every time (it is a little old though so some of the terms they use are a bit outdated) - Otomen: the main character is a guy who likes feminine things but to keep up appearances (mainly for his mom) he acts super masculine.......   1 reply
05 12,2023
about eat ass
Three amazing trios all from hooky (webtoon) And of course Natsume, Tanuma and Taki from Natsume's Book of Friends   1 reply
02 04,2024
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I'm right here bro (I don't read horror and I am also a creep)   2 reply
27 02,2024
it's the name reigen arataka went under when he was being publicly flamed for fraud because he's just cool like that   2 reply
25 03,2024
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I'm exactly the same way. I avoid them as much as I can even when people say it's so good. But I always go back to hotarubi no mori e when I want a good cry and think about humanity :D   2 reply
13 05,2024
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who is this ivan   1 reply
26 days
Yes, I totally agree. I absolutely love stories where they present different sides of a "villain" character rather than having them just be evil (they are from Love So Pure and Who Can Define Popularity) Like I know my girls aren't the best people but I can't find it in me to dislike them   1 reply
18 days
FOR REAL the way love is an illusion, painter of the night, killing stalking, etc. is 9.0+ says it all   3 reply
17 12,2023
table salt
17 12,2023
genshin impact merch (~$150 over the course of this year) but I have not spent a single cent in the game surprisingly   1 reply
17 12,2023
about question I read this a couple years ago and I forgot like the whole plot but I just remember crying a lot pfftsdf;lsdkfjs;   reply
10 12,2023
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I meet a lot of friends through gaming, honestly. And if you go to school you can join a club of people with similar interests. I would recommend joining a smaller club so you can get to know people more closely. Large clubs are great, too, but since there are more people, it's harder to join into their group.   1 reply
16 01,2024
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main girl x main guy (in non-romance centered genres) gets so annoying after a while like switch it up   reply
17 03,2024
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Weak Hero fits this like almost perfectly   2 reply
13 01,2024
ooo i want some too cries the only ones that are usually recommended are like 60+ chapters and ongoing here is a oneshot and its sequel that i love Part 1: Part 2:   reply
07 05,2021
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recently finished up the podcast The Magnus Archives. I ate it up it's so good   reply
16 03,2024
just a young village girl who accidentally saw too much   reply
23 02,2024