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Shtalp's answer (4)

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about question
Shtalp 26 11,2023
This was in seven deadly sins and also briefly touched upon in 19th life. It's more common than you think, and people tend not to have qualms about it. It's hard to judge if it's moral because neither immortality nor soulmates are real, but I do find it a bit odd.   reply
26 11,2023
Many other people have already answered but I'll just say that as long as you stay away from the pornography, you'll be fine. Also, please be more cautious about giving away personal information on the Internet. :)   reply
26 11,2023
about question
Thought I'd contribute   reply
26 11,2023
Shtalp 26 11,2023
Yeah people are scared of switches lol. Not much you can do except gain more respect for the stories that include less room for female self insert.   reply
26 11,2023