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Chayanne's answer (5)

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"Bro, i'm broke pls make it quick.Also, i beg you, delete my notes app."   reply
04 07,2021
Heaven official's blessing got me breaking down every time i see a pick of literally any character. Mo xiang tong xiu's gonna be the death of me haha   1 reply
25 06,2021
Rasputin-Boney M. / Bernadette-IAMX / Zeitaku na Wana-LuckyTapes / Dramaturgy-Eve / Tian Guan Ci Fu theme song (One flower, one sword) / Mr. Trance-Esteman / Burn This Disco Out-Michael Jackson / Mitsuyubi-SID / The Pretender-Foo Fighters / Japesea Cherry-Shank I can't think of any more rn but there's tons   1 reply
22 05,2021
Not really that cute, more like a bit funny   reply
05 05,2021
I really like them, like daamn   reply
30 04,2021