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Friendly Neighborhood Pirate's answer (8)

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dropped one as soon as my ex showed interest in it worst part is I really liked it too   4 reply
9 days
about question
yarrrgh matey, perhaps you need be takin a look inside yerself and wonderin where these problems stem from. until then, stop being a fucking misogynist you scurvy ridden deckswabber   reply
23 hours
about question
yarrgh I be hatin on shit like Jinx because it be total hornswaggling garbage. to be honest with ye, that can apply to any manga that be having unlikeable bitchass scallywags who should have walked the plank long ago   reply
14 hours
about question
yarrgh heavy on the Tim Drake thing, not only did they break that lad up with a girl he had awesome chemistry with (and the best character in all of DC im not biased) and give him a boring bland ass twink boyfriend (when there was another MUCH more obvious option if they wanted to give him a male love interest), but ever since then they've basicall......   reply
14 hours
about question
yarrgh yer best options be gogoanime, (occasionally), and I be reccomendin ye an ad blocker on her adventures lest you want to see unwanted booty   1 reply
9 days
about crying
Shounen's Abyss and Oyasumi PunPun fucked me up pretty bad but they're a bit more than sad   reply
03 12,2023