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wth's answer page 3 (78)

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hello i look like me   1 reply
07 07,2021
welcome to another episode of edgy and depressed manwha characters are hot   reply
05 06,2021
i love her   reply
20 05,2021
this is actually my real self, i hope you guys like!! (the thing on top of my head is a kippah- a Jewish headcovering that's usually for males- but my entire family wears em)   reply
23 05,2021
she's handing her love letter to someone   reply
20 05,2021
Honestly I can't imagine my father being gay, but it would hurt so so much. I love my father and it would be such a punch in the gut to see him betray my mother. However, my mother has had a mental break and on her past husband cheated on him. She has bipolar condition, so she always said she felt like it wasn't her who did that. My mother believes......   reply
29 06,2021
i'd be a siren, luring in all the ugly sailor men (maybe keep a hot one)   reply
24 05,2021
30 06,2021
I love myself but then also hate myself on some days. It's very split depending if my s/o is with me or not.   reply
30 06,2021
I'm a straight female!   2 reply
01 06,2021
you'd hate me since i'd be a bigger bitch then i am now   reply
24 05,2021
my bff and i live on opposite sides of america. if you think a long distance partner is hard, try a best friend. (also i tried to convey my bff's gothic style- idk if i did)   reply
21 06,2021
I actually am from the lineage of a Scottish family, so I'd be a Scottish princess I guess!!   reply
23 05,2021
...wait, you like ME?   reply
17 06,2021
about question
i didn't just try to make deku, no   reply
14 06,2021
02 05,2021
hi! I'd grab my kitchen knives, my complete works of Shakespeare book (it's so thick that it can give you a concussion if it hits your head- it happened to my brother) and my phone. I also have taken self defense classes, so all of those together are my weapons!!   reply
02 05,2021
about lmao
fact: When I lived at home, I was a manipulative bitch. I was my parents favorite and my two siblings ALWAYS got in trouble for something I did :)   reply
29 06,2021
12 07,2021
girl duo   reply
12 07,2021
what i look like: what i want to look like:   reply
17 05,2021
can i be friends with me with white hair   reply
12 06,2021