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[DELETED]'s experience (2)

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02 03,2021
i never really thought it was necessary to come out to my fam or friends since its not really...yk their business, BUT despite this, i came out that i was bi to my dad (im actually pan but i knew he would take it worse if i said that lol) not too long ago and he told me i was mentally ill lol, i mean he wasnt 100% wrong but still- anyways he then......   1 reply
02 03,2021
02 03,2021
when i was in kindergarten they used to make us line up in alphabetical order based on our last names literally every where we went, so since mine starts with a W i was one of the last kids in line except for one other little girl, now.....this gurl literally HATED me for no reason, everytime we were in line she would step on the back of my shoes a......   reply
02 03,2021