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クーチー駆逐艦's answer (8)

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some sicko said that incest was ok.......WTH. I was just going to say that snapchat is boring.   3 reply
06 07,2020
That's what i'm screaming. Idk wut i'd do if this site got shut down. I'll cry, I literally will.   1 reply
28 06,2020
Honestly Tik tok is the only thing that's entertaining to me lately but i only like a few aspects of the app. I absolutely hate straight tik tok. That side of the app is full of weird cringe dances and influencers who have probably said the n word yet are still popular. I usually stick to the alt side of the app (the good side). Sometimes i'll sear......   reply
28 06,2020
lose weight. Even tho it probably not gonna happen. Also how tf do u post a question   1 reply
31 12,2020
Honestly i feel like a crack head when it comes to yaoi.   reply
23 07,2020
Around the age 14 i found out what yuri on ice was. And then i got more curious   reply
06 07,2020
about question
In hs I was really into the anime itself( I didn't cosplay or have really weird ships, I just really liked the anime). When I found out how cringe the Fandom was I had to leave the whole anime alone. The Fandom made me hate the anime entirely. I might continue watching it someday but it's not likely.   reply
24 06,2021
I really wanted to finish this one too. yall breaking my heart   reply
23 07,2020