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クーチー駆逐艦's question (4)

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After answering a few questions on this site i realized alot of yall are openminded which is good but sometimes i gotta draw the line . Alot of people believe incest is ok or normal. ╥﹏╥ thoughts?
23 07,2020
Since quarantine has started my dreams have been much more vivid and i can remember them. I few months back there was this dream i had and still remember it to this day. So in the dream i woke up in a hotel with Anna and Elsa. NOTE: this was not a wet dream, we just woke up fully clothed (idk why ┗( T﹏T )┛). Meanwhile, in the lobby of the hotel Oprah Winfrey was making her way up to our room. Elsa,Anna and i started to run down the hallways of the hotel. why you ask...I don't know how but i knew why Oprah was kill us. Elsa used a powers to defend us while Anna and i escaped. so what im asking is does anyone know wut this dream could mean?
09 07,2020
Sometimes do u ever wish you could go back and say something different. As an example, u were in a argument but then u start to think maybe i should have said this or this. I overthink alot of situations but i think its normal. Sometimes when im in public i think people are staring at me and judging me. This usually causes me not to go out in public as often. But when i do go out i feel like the people that are passing me are eyeing me and judging me on what i wear. Its almost as if my own brain is starting to create these scenarios where i'm being bullied by these people i don't even know. so am i crazy? Is this normal?
06 07,2020
A few months ago i was super into this manhwa, it was titled pian pian (BL). Im 100% sure i read it on this site but now every time i try to search it, it doesn't come up. It was really good. I'll try to explain the plot. The plot was based around all the characters finding their soul mates. They had these tattoos or birthmarks that would show up on their body at a certain age. The mark would match their soulmates' and they were bound to fall in love. The main character (dark brown hair and short) had his mark on his pee pee (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜(I remember him being super embarrassed about it ). ANYWAY in the manhwa he was a cook and "got into a entanglement" with his head chef (tall and had light brown hair) after a night of drinking. PLZ WHAT HAPPENED TO THIS MASTERPIECE!! WAS IT CANCELLED? thanks
23 07,2020