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人's answer page 4 (204)

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I know that feeling when I’m late to my class and my mom pounding the door waiting to beat my ass so I have to drag my ass off and go to class. Yes, good times   1 reply
22 02,2021
21 04,2021
21 04,2021
06 04,2021
Both   reply
06 04,2021
I would use all the money   reply
28 02,2021
01 05,2021
Hard question idk either   1 reply
01 05,2021
28 05,2021
Wow that’s great bestie!   reply
28 05,2021
Trash hoe look okay, but dumb asf, with her stupid crusty musty dusty ass. No, I like hot villains, but not like this hoe   reply
09 03,2021
about lmao
My mom   reply
28 04,2021
13 04,2021
Trashhoe   5 reply
13 04,2021
Idk bro lol   reply
13 05,2021
24 02,2021
“Lovers till the end”   reply
24 02,2021
I fought the shower water because it wouldn’t turn hot- & I don’t even remember this but when I was young I washed the toilet seat with my dads toothbrush and baking soda- ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ   reply
13 03,2021
about lmao
  1 reply
23 04,2021
28 05,2021
Don’t scare me like that   reply
28 05,2021
about question
12 02,2021
Is ‘us’ a new word? Cus idk wut u say-   reply
12 02,2021
about question
Those corny reincarnation manhwas and the “one night stand with a rich ass ceo then have his kids.” This are too much I just want bitch slap myself ╥﹏╥   2 reply
03 03,2021
Ignore them and walk away cus ik that fugly bitch not talkin to me   reply
18 05,2021
I don’t exactly hate it, like some are actually good ones with a nice story plot. I just prefer it not to have it like “omegas are weak, there literally just pregnant tools” also the rape. I would understand why if someone said they don’t like it.   1 reply
05 04,2021
I do a lot of emotional eating   reply
31 01,2021
22 01,2021
Catfish was the first thing I could think of after feet pics-   1 reply
22 01,2021