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人's answer page 3 (204)

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My eyes hurt from scanning shit load of names- buuuut I found it.   reply
10 05,2021
about question
I have. But pffffft I can’t die just like this bitch- I haven’t eaten all the food I wanted yet. I haven’t bought all the mangas I wanted yet. I haven’t got a lover yet. I haven’t even had seggs yet- anyways   2 reply
17 05,2021
I am not sorry-   1 reply
10 05,2021
I mean like, I would wonder if a person is watching me through this phone. But then I would think, “Am I that important to be watched?” So no, but if I was, they’re probably be entertained asf, since my existence is a fr joke-   reply
18 04,2021
about question
03 06,2021
  2 reply
03 06,2021
Eat, sleep, eat, scroll through phone, those ugly ass mfs don’t bother my pretty ass   1 reply
09 03,2021
about question
Don’t judge me pls: But when mangago was down I was reading on another site, and.. I read this shit of a story where horses and bulls raped humans like pls save me guys-   6 reply
19 04,2021
Everyone says I have sexy fingers..they not lying tho   2 reply
22 04,2021
The past...oh the embarrassment   reply
28 02,2021
about question
07 03,2021
Yes pls do get mental help   1 reply
07 03,2021
I turn the other way and run home   reply
03 05,2021
about question
I want to quit I seriously hate it here I’m so tired of this shit   reply
27 04,2021
24 04,2021
Will there be free food?   2 reply
24 04,2021
about lmao
No.   5 reply
11 04,2021
about writing
Why tf is this in my camera roll...   reply
12 05,2021
about question
18 07,2023
Never liked love is an illusion tbh, that’s why I never even finished first chapter.   1 reply
18 07,2023
about question
Idk what my reaction is..   reply
06 02,2021
I could never- ngl I might be pretty dayum attractive, I just fix my looks a bit, and work out   reply
09 03,2021