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idrfct's answer (15)

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not to mention how sexual assault and rape is always romanticized in bl way more than shoujo. also I HATE when the main lead forcefully touches and grabs the other main lead all the damn time and kisses them without consent even in shoujo it just pisses me off because if it was me i would drop kick them literally man or woman idec.   3 reply
06 08,2023
you shouldn't feel bad. you're not obliged to respond to accept anyone's feelings if you don't feel the same way. explain to your friends how you don't feel the same way about him and maybe try telling the guy in a nicer way that you also don't feel the same way?   reply
08 07,2021
DON'T DO IT WTH. It's not your responsibility to do your sister's work. That's some bullshit   reply
18 04,2021
yuck, the fact that it's so detailed as well.   reply
30 04,2021
I can't be the only one worried about the safety of the author. Apparently he's already been sent so much death treats. You know how unhinged manga/anime fans are. I think he's brave for killing Gojo and did well sacrificing such an influential and popular character to develop the plot more. But, I'm worried about his safety tbh.   6 reply
21 09,2023
the intimidating handsome male lead who is popular with girls and boys. likes to tease girls he likes.   reply
06 08,2023
idrfct 03 09,2023
errrr, are we just gonna ignore the first part?   1 reply
03 09,2023
about question
idrfct 29 06,2021
first of all you dimwit get your fucking facts straight it wasn't jay that said the flipping n word he wasn't even in the damn frame! it was obviously heeseung, are you a fool? stop blaming it on jay when it wasn't even him! and don't come for me because i am a black stan too.   3 reply
29 06,2021
24 02,2021
I tried to make it as realistic as possible. Sucks that there's no birthmark option though.   reply
13 01,2021
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refrain from drooling.   reply
28 12,2023
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I think people try to justify it with the excuse that because it is fictional and just art that does not involve real-life human beings it is therefore acceptable to read or support that work. The people who are too scared to actually succumb to their disgusting desires in real life because it is a crime so instead they use manga with the same pedo......   1 reply
09 08,2023
idrfct 08 10,2020
says the person who stuck a dildo up their ass whilst writing this   reply
08 10,2020
Charli XCX - You (Ha ha ha) it's such an underrated bop from her so i recommend you check it out it's so good   reply
25 02,2021
idrfct 27 12,2020
27 12,2020