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DiabolicalandSexy's answer (6)

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Tbfh, Sangwoah aint even that hot, mf looks like he aint sleep in 7 years, and eats nothing but raw protein powder. Sure he got abs and shit but have you seen his feet bro? mfs LONG. Yeah he looks good in glasses but it's the eye bags for me, and don't you dare fuckin forget that this nigga was ready to bang his mama, ready to risk it all for the b......   1 reply
03 09,2020
become a psychologist, then when you can actually prove that some one does not have depression instead of invalidating people's feelings, then we can talk.   1 reply
03 09,2020
Please go easy on me is was my first time doing this   1 reply
23 02,2021
about question
sure, why not? But also consider therapy :)   reply
22 02,2021
wow that segz was poggers but now I need to get back to telling you about the Five Nights at Freddy's timeline   reply
10 01,2021