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kk<3's answer page 1 (23)

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When i was 11 my therapist mixed me up with another person and was like yes your child is suicidal and i had to explain to my mom i wasn't. The first time I met my therapist (same as above) she straight up asked me why i was binge eating and from there on i had anxiety about going to the therapist and would beg my mom to switch. I have a new on......   1 reply
28 12,2020
01 01,2021
Lmao like 10 people will recommend me a manga and i wont read it cause i dont like the cover   reply
01 01,2021
about question
05 03,2021
um here are 2 sketches i did tday, i lowkey dont have a artstyle tho   1 reply
05 03,2021
This dude in my math class had the AUDACITY to say that my legs were distracting him. Like could you not comment on my body it makes me uncomfortableee. (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 He rlly stared at my chest and said "wow ur thick" UGH IM CRINGING FOR HIM   3 reply
28 12,2020
about lmao
05 01,2021
about crying
I feel like mine isn't as bad as the rest but i was sexually harassed for like a year straight by like 5 guys in my class lol oh and one of them touched my booty :) It may have been on accident tho? idk it was in a really crowded hallway. Fun. I was telling one of my guys friends about it and was being very vulnerable about it and he was like "why ......   1 reply
06 05,2021
17 08,2020
Sometimes I'm just nice to a guy and then when I reject them they call me a bitch for "leading them on" :(   reply
17 08,2020
about crying
17 03,2021
like idk i didnt feel like i was going to die but i felt like something was missing from my day? For me i just usually just read updates in the morning and that's all, but i feel like that small bit of time i have really impacts how i feel the rest of the day. I ended up replacing my update time by watching tiktoks but i still missed it, reading al......   reply
17 03,2021
23 04,2021
Pls get help bae   reply
23 04,2021
03 06,2021
I was pretty excited to do this but there were only 4 skin tones one of them being blue and the other just black. Like not skin of black people but just black. Even people with very dark skin are not just black. There was only straight hair, which suckssss. I stopped after looking at the hair choices for the father. I compromised with a lighter sk......   reply
03 06,2021
i was looking at wedding rings - im not getting married lmao   reply
10 03,2021
we have a lot of people that walk by our house but ive never had someone try to look into my house before so idk what you should do. Maybe tell the police or sm oh also close your curtains   1 reply
25 02,2021
Way prettier than i actually am but that was fun   reply
18 02,2021
um idk i think i read a couple of mangas on here and just liked the format so continued to read . . . um i rlly dont know ive had like 3 accts at this point   reply
18 03,2021
GHHJHGKHJ Im asexual   1 reply
28 01,2021
about crying
79 It made up for the days w out any   reply
17 03,2021
you know sometimes I just want to be stepped on by my husbandos   reply
01 12,2020
about drawing
Ehh there was no hair like mine   reply
24 02,2021