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Fart's answer page 21 (497)

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Let me be part of your cult   reply
20 07,2021
about question
Ask my Moda about it   reply
04 07,2021
20 07,2021
remember, nobody can hate you as much as you hate yourself   reply
20 07,2021
I used to stay at our front porch for any girl to come out and play with me for hours because my parents wouldn’t let me play with boys and I was desperate   reply
06 07,2021
IcantIamtooMuch   reply
28 06,2021
STOB IT, making me blush   reply
21 07,2021
I guess that’s why it’s always a draw with my self deluded arguments   reply
07 07,2021
Ig they could be besties but I rather pass on the yandere part yk   reply
16 07,2021
21 07,2021
I was gonna say I hate you too but I love you   reply
21 07,2021
Spin around till I get hit by a car   reply
06 07,2021
I never came across that genre, but I am with you guys   reply
11 07,2021
about question
Remember nobody can hate you as much as you hate yourself   reply
21 07,2021
That’s sad ig, but I got backups, and if they suck, I-I will cry and move on   reply
21 07,2021
about lmao
I miss those good ‘ol days when I was still an innocent butterfly   reply
18 06,2021
about question
13 07,2021
13 07,2021
Drinking a pubic hair smoothie, I believe quite a few tried it   reply
21 06,2021
about lmao
Spoilers I remember dropping it after that other Kagami and Adrien sitting on the corner EATING ICE CREAM , and the fact that Luca don’t stand a chance got me but I don’t know happened after that but it was good before   reply
18 06,2021
about question
It was the most bootiful shit out there   reply
20 07,2021
Wdym I am immortal   reply
17 07,2021
She’s in making,I am still waiting Mr..seagull   reply
30 06,2021