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I felt the same my friends, one in 6th grade, she was very sporty, and I really liked her, I was kinda mad at times when my other friends got close to her, cause tbh she was cute and all of that. This was before I read manga and stuff, so I didn't know if I liked her, and I was so confused cause I was a girl (btw this was before I knew wh......   reply
06 04,2021
06 04,2021
Well you said you saw characters behave the same way you were behaving. Soo... I guess you are mistaking your feelings. Let me elaborate my male best friend can have a girlfriend I don't mind but that doesn't mean he forgets me. Like dude spend time with me like we used to. And like if I get jealous it's because it feels like someone else is replac......   reply
06 04,2021